Sunday, November 27, 2011

Random Poetry

Greetings Earthlings!
(I think I'll start all my posts with this greeting from now on)
I looked through all the poems that I have added to this blog, and I've realized that they all seem to be written by a clinically depressed poet. Firstly I'd like to state, that I am not clinically depressed, and to ascertain this fact I have added a rather random poem that I wrote a month or so ago (but never added to my blog for some reason). Ok, so context, this poem is about my football boots (literally at least), but, there is obviously an underlying meaning to it, as in all my poems. And as always, I will not explicitly state that meaning.

                        The Stubborn Shoe
Two years did you lay
Stacked in my cupboard
Never seeing the light of day
But now no other, can I afford
So I've taken you out to play

"I've had enough" you say
Your second choice, I can be no more
And you split on end like hay
So out you go, through my back door
And now I need another shoe

Friday, November 25, 2011

Extended Metaphor!

The poem below is the first one I've written that is a proper extended metaphor ( Developed new skills). I actually put quite a lot of thought into it (the 10 minutes that it took to come up with it constitutes as a "quite a lot of thought" in my books) This also shows that I have  Shown perseverance and commitment in this activity, as I have written quite a large number of poems since I took it up as a hobby (though I have only added a few of them to this blog).

                            The Apple

At first its a flower
The maker made it pretty
And gave it the power
To attract those minds - petty

Then it grows into a fruit
Showcasing new found glamour
Only to be plucked by some brute
And stuffed in his mouth

If not, it hangs on a branch
And rots at a rate
Until it falls, weighed down by
Ugliness, and is no more

I am rather pleased with this particular poem for several reasons. Firstly this can be interpreted in a multitude of different ways, this is something that I have been striving to achieve in my poetry for a while now. This emphasizes that  I have Increased my awareness of my own strengths and areas for growth. Secondly every word in this has a purpose (and that purpose is not establish the rhyming pattern). In fact the disintegration of the rhyming pattern is symbolic, and I have made it so for a purpose. I have also incorporated a fair deal of literary features into this particular poem. As always though, I will not state what I had in mind when I wrote the poem.